
Developing a high-performance culture

ViaFacct offers comprehensive diagnostics to discover the current values and practices in the organization and to identify the main traits of the current organizational culture. We help define changes in the culture that support the vision of our client and design holistic development programs that inspire and invite leaders, teams and employees to participate and support the process. The best way to develop high-performance leaders is to let them grow as early as possible into a high-performance culture.

Corporate development and strategy implementation

We help to translate vision and strategy into action with effective strategy implementation. One of the biggest challenges for successful implementation is the lack of buy-in from those affected. We facilitate large group processes for change using Open Space or similar methods for building understanding, trust and encouraging commitment throughout the organization and with different stakeholder groups.

Teamwork at the top

Teams at the top often are more a collection of strong individuals than a high-performing team. We work with top teams to build the common ground and shared understanding for roles and goals, offer support for reflection of team co-operation and personal behavior and facilitate important team meetings.


We support individual and team change in the business environment with coaching, according to the goal of helping individuals or teams to help themselves. Typical situations include new roles in the organization, new team formation or personal learning agendas as follow-up to 360-degree-feedbacks. In this, we combine a systemic view on organizations with a person-centered approach, using solution-focused tools and transaction analysis frameworks.

To support you we can provide you with different assessments, including Hogan 360-degree-feedback, Agile Leader 360-degree-feedback, HPI, HDS and MVPI.

Leadership and communication skills

ViaFacct offers trainings for new and senior leaders on Self-leadership, Leadership (I and II), Leading Change and Conflict Management. The series of seminars builds a 4-module leadership program. We offer 360-degree-feedback processes and communication trainings as possible separate elements of a program. We always tailor trainings and methods to the specific context of your organization.

Facilitation skills

Leading teams is a core skill for today’s leaders. One modern way to use participatory processes is facilitation. A facilitator takes an omni-partial role and runs an inclusive process. Trainings for building facilitation skills are helpful for advancing a participatory leadership style in the organization. Sometimes it is also advisable to work with an in-house facilitator who is not part of the team. We offer a one-day introduction to facilitation for leaders and other individuals that plan to use facilitation, as well as a three-module facilitation training for in-house groups of five or more participants.

Want to do it online? It is possible – we have a range of tools and platforms in use and choose the best alternative for your needs.